30556 KP Wire Gutter Broom 5 Section Set by Keystone Plastics...
30556 KP Wire Gutter Broom 5 Section Set by Keystone Plastics
Gutter Brooms are also known as side brooms, Curb brooms, quickie brooms, bolt-on, snap-on, digger brooms. The Gutter brooms are used widely for street sweeping in municipal contractors and street sweeping contractors.
Curb sweeping – sweeps in front of main broom or vaccum.
Patented Wire: Best Value — Patented Wire has demonstrated to be a much stronger and harder wire with greater resistance to fatigue than traditional Gutter Broom wires.
Oil Tempered Wire: A durable wire with long life, better recovery, high carbon content, higher cost.
Poly: Used mostly on airports where wire is forbidden.
Available: Special and Heavy Fill wire count gutter brooms are also available.
SALES NOTE – See next page for detailed information on Keystone Patented Wire Gutter Brooms and why they are the overall Best Value in Gutter Brooms.